There are more than 200 million insects on the planet, making them the most numerous species on Earth. Insects are a class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum whose body is divided into parts and covered with a hard shell called exoskeleton. They also have antennas, specialized extremities, and sometimes even wings. Most insects are very small, except for the beetles which are bigger-sized.
Some insects feed on plants while others feed on meat. Even though we hate them and consider them harmful, insects are actually very important element in the biological cycle of nature.
A Wonderful Plant in the Struggle against Plagues
Insects are the ones that decompose organic matter, which is their major role. However, they are also important pollinizers of plants, which are of both economical and ecological importance.
Although they are very important in maintaining the biological cycle of nature, nobody wants them nearby, especially in the house.
The good news is that we present a safe method of getting rid of rodents and insects which unlike the store-bought insecticides, doesn’t contain any toxins. It is very effective and maybe even more effective than over-the-counter insecticides.
Besides getting rid of insects and rodents, this natural repellent will make your home fresh and clean. In fact, all you need is some fresh mint, an aromatic herb which is used for both aromatic and medicinal properties.
How to Use It?
The preparation is extremely simple! Make a well-concentrated mint tea, pour it into a spray bottle, and spray every corner of the house. Make sure you cover the window rims and door corners in particular. Insects hate the smell of fresh mint and will stay away from the house. This natural repellent works against rodents and all sorts of insects, while leaving a nice aroma around the house.