Beetroot compote is a traditional Russian recipe of a fermented beverage that is very useful, and contains components that activate the liver, kidneys and intestines. It is made by fermentation of old bread and / or beetroot.
The results of some medical research shows that consuming beetroot compote prevents the development of malignant tumors, and liver cleanses the body of toxins and other “waste”, removes constipation and other problems with the intestines.
Russian traditional medicine believes that beetroot compote is the best non-medical drug for hypertension, because it normalizes blood pressure (reduces it) for a longer period of time, and is useful for atherosclerosis.
I have used beetroot compote to clean the liver (after aggressive chemotherapy). The process of preparation is not difficult, it is available to everyone.
Beetroot Compote- recipe:
For the preparation of medicinal beetroot yeast you will need:
- Glass jar of 3 liters (even better is the clay pot, if you have one)
- 700 g raw peeled beetroot
- 2 tablespoons flour or two pieces of older rye or black bread
- 200 g of sugar (honey or a sweetener if desired)
- 100 gr raisins
- Take a fresh washed beets, peel and cut it into cubes or thin slices and stack into a clean jar
- Add raisins, 2 tablespoons of flour and 200 g of sugar
- Fill the jars with cold boiled water and mix (some put the water from sauerkraut or whey)
- Jars detain plastic cover or even better wrap double gauze (to your yeast “breathing”) and leave in a warm place on 6-7 days to ferment
- Mix the contents of the jar twice a day and, if necessary, remove the foam
- After seven days shake the mixture well then strain through cheesecloth and you will get beetroot compote.
The taste is slightly acidic, salty and earthy, the body comfortable, and it alkalises the blood.
Consumption and storage:
Drink 3-4 tablespoons three times daily before meals.
Drink all your yeast and complete the first dose of your liver cleansing.
Take a break of three months and repeat the treatment.
Again break 3 months repeat the treatment and than a third time.
After a year your liver will be completely clean!
Keep the yeast in the refrigerator.
The body is cleaned, so mild side-effects might be present.
A method:
This method is applied by doctors in some hospitals in Kiev and Lugansk, because it showed excellent results not only for cleaning the liver, but also the whole organism. And as an excellent remedy for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
After the first consumed bottles of compote, your blood pressure will be stabilized. When we recommend the beetroot compote and the recipe to friends, we warn them that when cleaning they can move sand and small stones from the kidney. Otherwise, this beetroot compote very well cleanses the liver and kidneys.
Yeast is not recommended for those with diseased kidneys, problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase and gout. In this case consult a physician. You must be careful if you have low blood pressure.